Monday, December 27, 2010

So Simple Right?....

So I was thinking what would be a simple dinner? I mean I'm going back to school(after 10 years..Daaaamn)So this is what I made Frozen artichokes with Garlic(not forzen no more though)Some Brown Rice(from Trader Joe's Frozen section./..thank you) and some Bulgogi from H-mart(stuff is Awsome!!)and I also added shrimp(frozen) which I also bought at H-mart

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner

So here I made a Turkey stuffed with Sweet Plantains and dressed in homemade Garlic spread(with Achote) and I've injected Wine(red) into the meat of the Turkey.
For Appertizers I made Escabeche a Puerto Rican dish served cold
Its made wiSo tonight J&J (mind you this is on ThanksGiving)
made a Wine Turkey filled with (none other) WIne and home made Garlic Spread(its me it is...and you're missing out on it) Stuffed with Yellow Plantains and Potatoes and bathed in that Garlic Spread(yeah its THATgood)
Some Escaveche(which is the green banana's in teh cup with Chicken...)...its amazing its made with Jerked chicken Garlic Boiled Green banana's whole Black peppers caramelized Onions(with EVOO and Vinegar) and placed in teh fridge for taste(its also a cold dish anyway)
Some Buttenut and spaqhetti Squash soup decorated with Spaghetti Squahs strings ,Scallions, and White pepper on the rim and some traditional Rice and Pigeon Peas(except I used Brwn rice instead of WHite rice....its healthier(can't be no unhealthy latin eating man)
Sonme Coquito(aso traditional) which is TONS of Coconut and some Don Q
and a raspberry Tart nade by teh other J

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hey Good Morning

Hey so we cook 'n bake a LOT so we figured why not make a blog out of it and showcase pictures of the delicious food you won't get to eat.. we may even post a recipe here or two.. well Let us know what you think
