Sunday, November 20, 2011

Card Making and lotta thoughts

I can't imagine anyone reading my blog and thinking "Man this is some profound stuff. Yes!! I came here and found the meaning of life". But with that said
I cant wait until this month is over , or until thursday morning to go to California and visit Joanne. Together we will be able to hang out, get good eats and go on photo walks. We will probably go running together and have a good time accompanied by some healthy competition. Although knowing that it is all about relaxing and enjoying ourselves I know that this week is going to be so long before we can get to our break and then BAM its all gone. SO I hope that we can enjoy every minute of the day in San Francisco.
Anyway this past weekend I got a chance to hang out with some friends and make Christmas cards. Which I thought was awesome and I made 5 of them (but I only took 4 pics since I have no idea where I put the 5th one right now
I think it fell inside the car)
I always wonder where my time goes I do one thing next thing you know 3 hours have gone by. WTH Where did my time go?
I can start of with something simple like breakfast and cleaning the kitchen and my time flies away.
Maybe I need to time myself or set an alarm or have time trials. OR it is my environment that takes my time away, I'm so busy trying ti do everything since everything is so "Go, Go, GO" here; I may just need a change of place, a change or my surroundings... Maybe California!......

I may just need to be in a more relaxed area, maybe I do need to go California and see what life is like over there. I also cant wait to be over with school. It does take a lot of my time Blasted time





Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bagel Onion Ham and Egg

Turning 32 isn't the biggest thing in the world, once you hit those 23's 28's and 30's you are petty much over the hump the next one is the sad one for me. 40!!! 40 years old.
It sort of looks at your life and asks what have you done for yourself ? what do you have to show for it. Why are you ehre. So I dont want to go there yet. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter. I feel like im 18(21) but I know Im 32.
and as they say If I knew then what I know now. ..What would I have done? Would I have worked out more? Would I have focused on my art more to take a different path? 1
What If I only knew about my health. Would I have really take some roper precautions to not fall under the gall stone spell.
In the end it doesn't matter.. Right now I know that no matter what route I would have taken I do believe that God would have meet me there and taught me a lesson. Scolded me, and taught me how to be a man. No matter what He would have taught me to be appreciative about where I am in life. Like right now. I know I am not at the top of my career and that I am also not at my peek of physical physic. ut that's OK. I have come a long way to accept and be happy about who I am and where I am at in life. There many few things I don't care about any more and the many things I ignore now in days is to be said about . I realize that in the end of the day I do want Christ above everything else in my life. And as hard as that is to read, as hard as it is to say. I know that I need to be with Him Christ my Lord.
On my birthday Oct 11th I went out to eat with my roommate. We went to Dedham and went out for breakfast. I enjoy this place solely because of their breakfast sandwiches other than that they suck. their coffee is burned and requires that you buy another coffee in order to make up for the lack of taste that this place's coffee has.
It was fun going there
although traffic was a bummer, after breakfast I went over to movie stop and got rid of a ton of movies and swapped it for "The Simpsons" DVD season 20(so far not bad)





Saturday, October 15, 2011

Its time for a financial change

“Even timid Japanese are finally starting to push for change,”( Miku Ohkura)
Everyone seems to be getting upset at rich people and bad financial decisions made by them.
It seems that people have had way too much faith on the rich and forgot to realize that they are no different than you and me, except that they make more money than most Americans.
Upon reading an article on the New York Times, I am again enraged at how the rich are being taken care of. Under different circumstances would the people who are rich be able to do what they are doing now? If they were raised in a poverty stricken neighborhood or (just to come out and say) it without the silver spoon in their mouths would they have been able to get to where they are now, would they be no different from both you and me? I am tackling two different subjects here, but I see them as one. Why should they get all these benefits because they make 7 more figured than I do? In the end of the day they are also human. It is time that we need to think about what we need as a country rather than what we want. So many companies are out there to make the next buck,trying to come with new products that make people rush to the stores and for what? We have decent looking houses for outrageous prices. Why? WHy can't we simple? I don't mean to go back and life the "simple" ways of the 50's and 60's but just live simple, not get everything that is out there because it is cool but because it is something we need. We need to show the banks that as a new generation we are responsible and are thinking about our future un like the rich financial slobs that live their upscale,pricey lifestyle.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

32.....with friends...and just that!!




All in a day but it was much longer than that...PT 2

After attending the first half of the field-trip I managed to escape barely with my eyes open. Realizing as great as history is , I never really like the 1500 era or anything that had to do with the "Declaration of Independence" We make it down towards Quincy Market. which is located in Downtown Crossing right next to City Hall. It is a local tourist attraction although locals can't help but be attracted to it as well; but who can blame them with all the eateries, shows, and events, the random performances, name brand stores, and beautiful view of the Big Dig Bridge. If you are there on Fridays and Saturdays you can enjoy the beautiful and wonderful world of Farers Market. Where you can buy fruits and Veggies for a dirt cheap price. Being drawn back to the reality that I was in a field trip and I had to chaperone my students I draw their attention to a large statu of Sam Adams. I get them to gather there for a class pic, I get them to make space so we can see the name"Samuel Adams"; I salute this for the great beer it produces and my students have no idea what I am doing. After a couple of snapshops and silly pics. We are then led by an enticing aroma of high fructose and fried goods towards the food court. As we open the large glass doors to see a vast hallway of fast food; stunned in amazement we had to get the students to move but once we had their motors running we lost them. Literally no more than 2 seconds later we had not one of out students in plain sight.
My co-worker and I decided to then do the same, walk around and see what to get to eat. Your mind tends to wander as you walk around picturing yourself eating everything you see, trying out the different flavors.hmm just the thought of it makes me hungry. From time to time you do hear that voice of reason telling you 2 things"You're gonna get fat" and Its to pricey. I ended up getting some low mein from an everyday chinese fast food joint. Which surprised many of the students with us even the Chinese ones because they never thought I would know how to use chopsticks..because they cant use chopsticks. In the end looking at all the people wandering around, not paying attention to their left or right, aimlessly bumping into people I realize a few things. One being how much I wish you were there with me to people watch, enjoy local fast food not matter how pricey or greasy it is and too take pictures of the distracted people who are walking around. I miss you.. I love you
so far

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bourbon Ice cream and I scream



Sitting there and enjoying this delightfully delicious free ice cream was a moment held in silence. As the flavor that push through my taste buds and I watched the people walk by jealous of the ice cream they wished they had and were force to pay for. I thought about you and how much you would be enjoying a scoop of ice cream that you DIDN'T have to pay for by my side. Watching people, possibly pointing at some of them laughing together making the best with the corny jokes...possibly some would have been directed at me. In which I would have responded with the term "LAMEe" in a scratchy low pitch voice.
Today felt like a rush, nothing to get to in the end but not enough time. I hung out with a friend we played video games for a bit, went out to dinner with another friend and I'm not sure were I lost her in the conversation. I think maybe it was because we saw my friends at iHop. Which I was cool with(although it was a bit awkward cause I know my friend loves to listen in to pick up material to joke about later on)
But ce la vi. I led on answering her questions about myself, whic is fine but I felt like I was in an interview. ...hmmm.. I'll come back comment more on my day and night.

Friday, September 16, 2011

quien me dio?

Muchas veces me pregunto que puedo hacer con mi mente? Se me hace dificil recordad un momento en mi vida que yo no era ancioso. teniendo una dificuldes de respirar, de hablar, la voca se me llena de algodon y mi corazon palpita a una velosida que me espanta. Recientemente me e encontrado orando cuando estas cituaciones me ocurren. Llevo unos anos asi orando cuando tengo estos "encuentros" raros que mi cuelpo se siente debil y sin ganas. Cuando el aire tiene un sabor a la muerte y mi cabeza no se puedeacostar.. La oracion me a estado ayadando, pero si no es solamente la oracion es mas que eso. Es el dejar de mis pemsamientos en las manos de mi Dios. Pero tambien como cualquier humano siempre me encuentro debil. Y muchas veces no se como puedo orar. como que mi cuelpo se cansa de respirar y lo unico que siento es la palpita de mi corazon...y cada vez que palpita me duele. En Si es unos de mis momentos que mas odio. Muchas veces se que este es el momento que mas debo acercarme a Dios y dejar mimente en paz. Cojer control de mi vida y no dejar estos pensamientos correr mi vida. No como antes. Si se que puedo hacerlo, pero muchas veces se me hace dificil entender porque tengo que pasar por esto solamente para orar. No creo que esto parara, si un dia tengo hijos o hijas se que denuevo me voy a encontrar con estos momentos, preocupado de ellos. Esperando que ellos esten bien, por que si espero verme queriendos a mis hijo/hija.
Pero por el momento no tengo ese cargo, por el momento tengo una novia que en si la amo mucho. pienso en ella todos los dias y cada momento que pueda. Me preocupo por ella, esperando que todo este bien, que nadie se meta con ella. Tan Bella, tan fragil, tan delicada. Si tiene una voz fuerto su corazon palpita como la de un leon cuando grita a lost demas animales de la jungla que se hechen de regreso. Lleno de fuego y lena. La veo como ella trata de enamorarme, cada dia y cada noche. Como ella me hace falta. Como la quiero tanto y deseo estar al lado de ella. La estrano, como no solamente mi cuarto esta vacio sin ella, mi vida sin ella ficicamente a mi lado se siente tan vacia. Pero si tengo fe en verla y estar ficicamente al lado de ella.
Mi deseo es aguantarla otra vez mientras admiro y penetro sus ojos.



Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mud eating, furr kissing sword wielding hogwarts wannabe and above all God is in the House.

Verse of the Day

“A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2 NIV
I read this today as I spent some time alone and saw how encouraging this was.
Almost felt like a kid who has been crying for a while after throwing a tantrum and finally getting
noticed or being given a lollipop. As I scramble to reflect on this, nothing really pops to mind. questions, comments and concerns boggle my mind leaving me blind and deaf to see past what I am reading. For now I know that God is with me. That He has heard my prayer and He wants me to continue looking for Him.I can't trust on myself, I must solely trust on Him who has the answer, a shoulder to lean on and a heart that Loves me. I sometimes wish I had the answer to my life and how are things going to work out. When I look at my reality it's depleting what life I have left(which is a lot but still...).and upon realizing this I know I must turn to God. As I realize that all of the things that are running loose in mind causing me to not think straight are not from Our Lord.Each thought is like sucker punch, unknowingly striking me from many directions. As my thoughts wrestle with me to pin me down for the count, I realize that I am not meant to fight this alone, and that I don't have to deal with like everyone else does either. I made the mistake into thinking that I was able to just pray them away, but I misunderstood that I needed to share them with you. Many times I ignored them and try not to let them bleed through thinking that would work, or hat I should do as I always do and deal with it when it comes. But many times it is best to share them with you so you too can see my angle and I can see yours.With you in fact both of us have seen prayers answered, not just by chance, no coincidence occurring inspiring us, lets continue prayer. Lets continue and see what God has for us both. Here are some pictures I have taken. They are quite random but they are way over due and from King Richards Fair.

dragon and wizard

Juan and Juan

mud eaters

the kiss

Monday, September 5, 2011

Catching up

man its ben a while since I've blogged about something. SO much to say but no idea what to put in here. Well I did get to go to
King Richards Fair this weekend. I've never really been into the whole medieval,fairy tale, fantasy world. I'm more into the whole post apocalyptic, futuristic spacey world.
Well I do have some pictures on that but some are too gross for me to share(couple of guys eating mud) It is a humid cloudy day here in Boston MA,the day was beginning to go slow which was great since I was trying to accomplish so much but as the day dimmed darker into the evening. it speed up. That happened more after I woke up from a nap which I have to say was rather pointless.I spent the morning working on my agenda for my multimedia class. This included me doing research project ideas and see if it can be done in the software they will be using. Through out the day I broke into some stretches and some very light gaming. I think the most I have done is 20 minutes straight. HahaFor lunch I decided to do a eggplant sandwhich whic Joanne and I were going to do together but the time difference did not make that feasible for us. So we are obviously making it at separate times and just sharing about it on our individual blogs. I am also pretty tired of my music.

sm i took a big bite

DA sandwhich

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

No Water and Water makes Juan fill the blank

Coming home from work today I come to an amazing surprise, and drum roll please Pum Tum pum Tum ... We have no running water!!! The contractor mistakenly broke a pipe, which I am not surprise and on top of that the landlord apparently didn't know. The next day (Thursday) she mentioned how she hasn't washed her hands after using the bathroom. As gross as it was to hear that it saddens me that I didn't care. I fet that she wanted this, she is cutting corners and hired a plumber that doesn't seem licence. At the end of the firsts night with no water we convinced her to have the water turned on, and my roommate and I were able to finally cook and use the bathroom. My first impression on the dinner was " this will be alright" but to my surprise it was better than that.
Korean black bean sauce, brown rice, some eggplant mix my roommate made and some grilled chicken
These pictures are from a photo walk that I did the other day. I walked around brighton and this bridge by Fern St. has all this freshly painted plus past paintings all over the place. SWEEET!!!

graff 2

graff 1

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rainy Days seems about right

As I hear the rain bounce off the roof of my car, I see how experienced drivers revert back to fledgling drivers, as if they have never read the "How to Drive" booklet or taken a driver's ed class. They forget to drive on a green light; red light somehow means "Go" now and yellow light is non-existent. Rarely is anyone effervescent; they are just short tempered, foul mouthed gnomes, and not a hint of their prior selves exists. I flinch as people jump into the street, ignoring the street lights, but what else is new? It's Boston, my beloved city. Although I am overjoyed and bubbly that it is the weekend, I am also saddened by the crazyness that it involves. For starters, my landlord wants to put in a new bathroom where the pantry once stood. Which is a headache to even comprehend, but what made the day worse was that it was the first weekend that I ate by myself in a looong time.

huevos con tomate

huevos sin queso

I couldn't fathom what I would want to eat, because I was back to cooking for myself again. But just because I am not sharing my meal with the Lovely Joanne, it doesn't mean that I can't eat a good meal. So I fixed myself an interesting plate. It didn't fill me up as I had hoped, but it was pleasing to take pictures of the food in the spirit of Joanne.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Take Me Out


So the other day I got a chance to go a baseball game. Not a major league game but a minor league game. You can google up the differences personally outside of stadium and amount of enthusiasm from the fans there really wasn't much of a difference to me.
Anyway sitting there in the blazing sun, watching the Brockton Rox,seeing the "cheerleaders" dance their uncoordinated dance steps and watching the local fans not sheering as much just ordering food and what not. I came to feel a nostalgic feeling from when I was very young and my aunt Cielo taking me to a local game in Puerto Rico. Although the fans here seemed very lame, not enthusiastic about the game, like I said the beer next to their kids seemed more enjoyable than the time they were having with their kids. Looking at the mascot made me think of how lame that kind of job is, to get in a hot suit and get people riled on a hot sunny day, sweat running down every nook and cranny of your body,. Making a fool of yourself in front of both adults and children, hoping they will laugh and not throw things at you.Do Mascots get together and vent, do they get together to talk and hang out? Was there ever a "Glory Days" for these guys in a suit or has it always been lame? I can just picture one the guys iwho plays as a mascot, going to a bar after the game taking a girl home for the night taking her to his "penthouse" which in reality is just a trailer or some hotel room hmph if this was on the Simpsons this somehow would be funny but I cant imagine living that life seems like a joke...but I can't crap on his life just be amused by it at the end of the day he's just trying to make another buck just like the rest of us.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Rice 'n Chicken

So this is A medley of brown rice made with home made garlic powder, a handful of cilantro, a pinch of sea salt and a couple of shakes of paprika and Turmeric. The Chicken was made with homemade garlic spread, E.V.O.O. and plain vinegar. Once the chicken was cooked(on the outside) I added it to the rice as it was cooking so it can A) absorb some of the flavor from the chicken and B) tenderize the chicken a bit more.
The taste was worth the wait and I can't wait to eat the rest for dinner( I just had some for lunch.. and my student were romanticized with food with just a scent of it.
(cooked on 1/09/11)


Saturday, January 1, 2011


Dinner with some friends

was Cous Cous made with chicken brother oregano, sea salt and tumeric mixed with roasted Bell Peppers.
The beef was marinated with plain garlic spread(home made) the chicken was slow cooked in yellow (gold) Garlic spread(also home made...with Achote BTW)
and wrapped in the marinated beef with chinese parsley a-float a thinly slice of chinese eggplants..hmmm
Tina made some Shrimp and I also made some home made cheese(from 1% milk from Trader Joes) topped with oregano and E.V.O.O. and our beverage was Chai Tea(trader joes) with 1% Milk (not water!!)